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Lummi Library Hours

is open 8-9pm M-Th.
Fri 8-5pm, Sun 12-5pm. Sat Closed.

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Staff are also available by phone and email.


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Library Orientation

Lummi Library offers self-paced and Zoom orientation.

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The mission of the library is to support the Northwest Indian College and the Lummi Community with research, informational, tribal, and recreational resources that enhance life-long learning.


Circulating collections: the library circulates materials of general interest and those that support the curriculum. There is a focus on Native American materials, particularly of the Pacific Northwest Coast, and with strengths in law, education, and art. Video materials include popular and educational titles. Young peoples’ collections include picture books, fiction, and nonfiction. 

Non-circulating collections:  the reference collection includes general and subject-specific titles such as encyclopedias and handbooks. Items of local interest which would be difficult to replace are housed in our Pacific Northwest special collection.  The Vine Deloria, Jr. Special Collection houses the author’s personal library. We also have a growing collection of table top  games for library use.

 Inter-library loan (ILL): Lummi library may be able to borrow materials from other libraries if you are unable to find what you are looking for in our collection. For instructions on how to request an ILL click here

Computers with internet access, Microsoft Office software, and printing capacity are available to the college and community. A small fee may be charged for printing. There is also free wireless access throughout the building. 
Distance learning students and faculty have access to the same services as those at the Lummi Campus. Requests for library materials can be made via email or phone. The library will mail items from the circulating collections to library patrons. If materials are mailed, the library will include return address and postage labels to facilitate the return of materials. When appropriate, the library will copy and email portions of larger works or reference materials.
The librarian you chat with will not be from the Lummi Library, but will be available 24/7 to answer your reference questions and will have access to the library’s catalog. 

Library Catalog

Lummi Library is home to a wide range of material, including a large selection of work by Native scholars and authors. 

Electronic Resources

Lummi Library offers access to multiple subscription databases and periodicals. The electronic databases are a perfect place to start research, keep up with news, and further your studies.

Vine Deloria, Jr.
Special Collection

Lummi Library is home to the personal library of Vine Deloria, Jr. The collection reflects the wide range of his intellectual curiosity: books by and about Indians; traditional academic subjects such as history, psychology, philosophy, law, theology, and anthropology; subjects not traditionally academic such as catastrophism, alternative history, and life after death; and much more.